How does it work?
- 1
Have the barcode of your parcel ready
You will find the barcode on the proof of posting or in the online webshop’s email.
- 2
Enter your barcode
The barcode is a combination of digits and letters and usually starts with 2S or 3S. Type the barcode without spaces.
- 3
Enter the recipient’s postal code and click on Search
The location of your parcel will now appear on your screen.
If you are not at home, we will try and deliver to your neighbours.
If that doesn’t work, we will take your parcel to a PostNL point near you. You will receive a notification when the parcel has arrived so you know when you can collect it. That is usually the following working day. We will hold your parcel at the PostNL point for seven days.
Everything in one handy app
Track your parcels (via notifications), easily create a shipping label, set your delivery preferences or get in touch quickly... All in one app! So you have everything at your fingertips. Download it now!
Parcel from the Netherlands
If your parcel is coming from the Netherlands or Belgium, you can opt to have your parcel delivered to one of the PostNL points (this is only available if the webshop you have ordered from offers this option). Search for the nearest PostNL point in the location finder.
Parcel or mail outside Europe
If your parcel or mail comes from outside Europe, it has to go through customs. In the Netherlands, PostNL has its own sorting centre with a customs department. They check the letters and parcel contents with their accompanying customs clearance documents. Once the mail has been cleared in Belgium, letters with an RS code go to the local Belgian post office. We deliver parcels with a CD or 3S code.
To follow your package, you need a barcode or a not-at-home code and the postcode. Enter this information on this page and you will be able to see where your package is located immediately.