Become a PostNL pick up point

Offer extra services to your customers

Customers pick up and drop off parcels at your store. Either because they were not home during the delivery driver's attempt or because they deliberately choose your store as a pickup point during checkout in a webshop. This is an opportunity to offer an extra service to your current clients and attract new customers. Will you seize your chance to become a PostNL parcelshop?

Benefit as a PostNL parcelshop from extra advantages

  • You can offer an extra service to your current customers. Quickly buy some fruit and send your parcels at the same time. Two birds with one stone. Not only does the consumer benefit, but your store does too!
  • You get extra publicity by being included in the location finder as a PostNL pickup point.
  • You attract new potential customers. Customers find your store via the location finder when sending parcels, or come to pick up a parcel because they were not home during delivery (visible via Track & Trace). Will you convince them to buy something?
  • You receive a compensation from PostNL per received or delivered parcel. A nice bonus, right?

What conditions must you meet to become a PostNL pickup point?

Your store must have:

  • A business number (you cannot become a PostNL pickup point as a private individual)
  • A safe storage space for parcels
  • Sufficient parking facilities
  • Broad opening hours
  • A favorable location, also in relation to other PostNL locations in the immediate vicinity
  • Enthusiastic and motivated employees

What do you earn with a parcel point?

Our compensation is in line with the market. Fill out the form to become a PostNL pickup point, and we'll review the rates together.

What costs are involved?

It costs you nothing at all. You just need to meet the above conditions. Moreover, you will earn from this arrangement. You get a compensation per scanned parcel. Additionally, you'll attract more potential customers to your store, which can lead to increased turnover. We also have point-of-sale (POS) materials available to help you establish yourself as a PostNL parcelshop location.

Interested in becoming a PostNL pickup point in Belgium?

Fill in the form behind the button. We will contact you as soon as possible. We will then personally discuss the conditions and compensation with you.

Note: Is your store located in the Netherlands? Then you can register your store on our Dutch website.