Closed declaration

If your business is closed on (a) specific day(s) of the week and no parcels can be delivered, you can notify us by means of a ‘closed for business’ declaration.

Apply for or cancel a ‘business closed’ declaration

Is your business closed on a specific day of the week so that no parcels can be delivered? If so, please let us know using this form.

Did you fill it in completely and sign it? Then you can give it to your PostNL driver the next time he comes by. Or you can e-mail it to our customer service. You will find the e-mail address at the bottom of the PDF document.

Are parcels expected on the closing day you indicated?
After processing your request, these parcels will receive a special code that automatically postpones delivery until the next opening day.

Would you like to cancel the ‘business closed’ declaration? This can also be done using the same form.

Please note: in both cases, it takes several working days for your request to be processed.

Feel free to contact us